Observations and Activities of a Computer Security Dweeb
Last updated May 21, 2006 7:19 PM

What's a Digital Choke?

I'm a computer security dweeb for a large municipal government. Married 30 years to Pam, we have three children (Christine, Jason, Stacy), and three (soon to be four) grandchildren from Christine and her husband Jared Jensen: Joelle (almost 6), Liam (4) and Max (1 1/2). We live in northern California; the Jensens live in Utah.

I wrote a short story on the death of the Internet ("Digital Choke"), and am a member of the Daynotes Gang, a collection of computer geeks that have been writing daily journals for many years.

These are some (usually) daily observations about family, computers, and computer security. The reports off to the side contain helpful information about computer security issues. Use the links below to look at prior posts, or to send comments via our mail form.


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